Reimare's TRYathlon Fundraiser

About Reimare's TRYathlon Fundraiser

Reimare receives support from a lot of organizations doing great work to support people with disabilities.  In honor of Down syndrome Awareness month we are seeking donations to these organizations so that they can continue their important work.

We want to tie our fundraising effort to encouraging and showcasing Reimare's abilities and that is why Reimare will participate in a personalized TRYathlon consisting of running, biking and swimming.

We will upload videos/pictures to the website to show his accomplishments and can give a break down of how many laps, miles, minutes, etc. he completed for those inclined to pledge based on achievement.

For those who just want to make a set amount donation, that can be done at any time.

Below is a list of the organizations and the role they have played in Reimare's life over the past year.  Feel free to choose any or all of them to make a donation in his honor.  Each one has a link to their fundraising page.

 Down Syndrome Information Alliance

The DSIA is the Down syndrome organization for those living in the Sacramento area.  After a several-year hiatus, the organization is making a come back to provide resources to individuals with Down syndrome and their families.  We look forward to connecting with this organization through its social and educational programming.

Team Davis

Team Davis is a local organization that offers athletic and other leisure activities for individuals with disabilities who live in Davis. This year the organization initiated Team Davis Juniors, a program geared towards those in the 15 and under age group.  We attend monthly meet-ups and look forward to the newly established regular sports practices for the younger athletes.  Reimare also participated in the Team Davis spring and summer swimming sessions, and the  Track and Field, making his first appearance at the Special Olympics running the 100m and throwing the turbo jav (modified javelin).  

Horseplay Therapeutic Riding Center

Horseplay Therapeutic Riding Center provides discounted horseback riding lessons for children with disabilities.  Reimare  has been riding at this center for 1.5 years and has enjoyed the opportunity to be playful with horses Skippy, Blue, and Sweetie Pie.  He benefits from the core-strengthening activities and opportunity to command the horse through various forms of signaling and communication.  He really loves when he gets to trot on the horse. 

Gigi's Playhouse of Sacramento

Gigi's Playhouse is a Down syndrome achievement center that offers free programming to people with Down syndrome.  There are Gigi's locations all over the world and the one in Sacramento is new.  So far we have been able to participate in several social events sponsored by the local Gigis and we look forward to continuing our involvement with the center.

Hand Full of Stories

Our small business is teaming up with Brittany's Basket of Hope to provide sign-language story books to families with  newborns with Down syndrome. Hand Full of Stories was created to both provide important resources to families of children with communication challenges and to provide Reimare with an opportunity to gain important job skills through selling the finger puppets that he enjoys so much.  Donations of $21 will provide a sign-language story book and puppet for a family's basket. To peruse our selection of items visit:


 We understand that not everyone is in a position to give financially.  Words and messages of support and encouragement are also valuable and can be sent to: and will be shared with Reimare during his events.